All therapy services are provided by a Canadian Certified Counsellor (CCC) by appointment only. Both in-person or telehealth appointments may be arranged. Virtual counselling using video technology or the phone is effective and still allows for a strong personal connection.
The best ways to book an appointment or a no-cost 15 minute phone consultation call is through the contact page, via email to or by calling: 250-667-1975. I will reply to emails and voice mail messages within 2 business days (Monday - Friday). *For urgent or emergency situations call 911 or the BC crisis line: 1-800-784-2433.
Payments can be made by e-transfer, debit or cash. Appointment cancellations can be made with a minimum of 24 hours notice; full session fees apply for late cancellations, late arrival and/or missed appointments.
I accept clients from ICBC and the First Nations Health Authority.
Please contact us to book an appointment today.